Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Music ornaments

Ornaments or embellishment are musical flourishes that are not necessary to carry the overall line of the melody (or harmony), but serve instead to decorate or "ornament" that line. Many ornaments are performed as "fast notes" around a central note. The amount of ornamentation in a piece of music can vary from quite extensive to relatively little or even none. A very important function of the ornamentation in early and baroque keyboard music was as a way of creating a longer sustain of the note on a harpsichord, clavichord, or virginal , such instruments being unable to sustain a long note in the same manner as a pipe organ. 

Types of ornaments :
a. Trill
b. Mordent 
c. Turn
d. Appoggiature
e. Acciaccatura
f. Glissando

Trill :  Rapid alternation between an indicated note and the one above, also known as the shake.


Mordent : hought of as a rapid alternation between an indicated note, the note above (called the upper mordent, inverted mordent, or pralltriller) or below (called the lower mordentor mordent), and the indicated note again.

Upper and lower modent notation 1.png

Turn : A short figure consisting of the note above the one indicated, the note itself, the note below the one indicated, and the note itself again.

Turn notation.png

Appoggiatura : important melodically and often suspends the principal note by taking away the time-value of the appoggiatura prefixed to it. 

Apoggiatura notaton.png

Acciaccatura : as a shorter, less melodically significant, variant of the long appoggiatura, where the delay of the principal note is scarcely perceptible.

Acciaccatura notation.png

Glissando : s a slide from one note to another, signified by a wavy line connecting the two notes. 

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